Punjab Labour Appellate Tribunal Lahore Verified
Job Type | Seniority | Gender | Age | Test Center |
Full Time | N/A | All | Min:18 - Max:30 | N/A |
Shorthand speed 100 wpm in English and typing 40wpm in English. Candidates having computer Knowledge and Proficient in Urdu In page will be preferred.
Candidates must visit NTS website to apply online (www.nts.org.pk)
Those candidates who desire to apply for more than one post, must submit separate application form for each post.
Candidates shall submit duly filled application form along with deposit slip of prescribed fee in favour of NTS.
Copy of CNIC and two recent passport size photographs directly to NTS through courier on the address mentioned on application form.
Application completed in all respect should reach reach NTS till 5th july 2021
The above positions are offered purely on contract basis under the contract Appointment policy 2004,amended 2016 and existing Rules of the Government of the punjab.
Read MoreGeneral age relaxation in maximum/upper age limit for Male Candidate 5 years for female candidate 8 years. Special /Disable 15 years.
The age of the candidates will be calculated on the last date of submission of application.
Candidate having domicile of punjab shall only be eligible to apply.
No TA/DA will be admissible for test/interview.
These vacancies are post specific and non transferable.