Vacancy Announcement

Overseas Job


Allied Services International Ltd.

A Welder, or Brazer, is responsible for assembling pieces of metal together or repairing damage in metal components using heavy machinery that emits high heat, melting the metal into shape. Their duties include reviewing blueprints, cutting the metal into the appropriate shape, and smoothing molten metal to remove creases.

Job Type Seniority Gender Age Salay Range Vacancies
FullTime N/A Male N/A Not Disclosed 510
  • Location : Saudi Arabia , Vacancies: 510
Application Process:
  • OEP License: 0089/KAR , Allied Services International Ltd.

    OEP Contact: Sajid Ali Khan , Hill Top arcade Suit 4-1/2 No.6, Ist Floor Gizri Boulevard Ph-V DHA , Karachi South

    Phone No:             02135810376

    Fax No:                  0215810372


  • Last Date to Apply: 4/20/2024
  • Test Date: N/A
  • Test Location: N/A
  • Interview Date:: N/A
  • Interview Location: N/A