Vacancy Announcement

Government Job

Junior Computer teacher

Elementary and Secondary Education Azad Kashmir Govt

Elementary School Teachers: Elementary and Secondary Education announced the latest Jobs in Muzaffarabad and other AJK areas.

Job Type Seniority Gender Age Salay Range Vacancies
FullTime N/A All N/A Not Disclosed 2979
  • Bachelor (14 Years) Degree in B.A , from Higher Education Commission (HEC) Recognized Institutes with 2 Years Experience.
Application Process:
  • Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad

  • Last Date to Apply: 5/10/2024
  • Test Date: N/A
  • Test Location: N/A
  • Interview Date:: N/A
  • Interview Location: N/A